Dela Besede ni/na papirja/ju so zapisi/besedna dela, ki poskušajo operirati s črko, besedo, jezikom, frazami, stavki itd. Jedro teh del je uporaba besed. V tovrstnih delih uporabljam besedo/tekst in raziskujem kako deluje jezik in kako z njim operirati. Gre za igro z besedami in uporabo minimalnih in enostavnih intervencij, ki iščejo širši pomen in rezultirajo v različnih načinih branja in večpomenskosti.
Works Words no/on paper are records/word pieces that try to operate with a letter, word, language, phrases, sentences, etc. At the core of these works is the use of words. I use the word/text and explore how language functions and how to operate/play with it. It is a play on words and the use of minimal and simple interventions that seek a broader meaning and result in different ways of reading and ambiguity.
Everlastic, 2022, screen print, enamel, 39,5cm x 36,5cm
Not for this, 2022, screen print on 2 mirrors, 54,5cm x 27cm
Transparency not needed, 2022, screen print on 4 mirrors, 54,5cm x 54,5cm
Here is finite content, 2022, screen print on 3 mirrors, 82cm x 27cm
Find your eyes, 2021, triptych, screen print, 63cm x 21cm
Past, Present, Future, 2021, triptych, screen print, 31,5cm x 30,5cm/ 31,5cm x 31,5cm/ 39cm x 31cm
Let’s not, 2021, screen print, paper clip, 20cm x 28,5cm
Not rested, 2021, screen print, 29,5cm x 20,5cm