
Skice imenujem dela, ki so odrezki, odlomki, refleksije, ne/uspeli poskusi, hipne manifestacije nekega miselnega procesa, kontempliranje, iskanja in prevajanja, ki ni/so definirana.

I call sketches the works that are clippings, excerpts, reflections, failed / successful attempts, instantaneous manifestations of a certain thought process, contemplation, search and translation that are un/defined.


zapis/prepis, 2022, alkoholni svinčnik, 14,5cm x 20,5cm


2022, screen print, enamel, 26,5cm x 18cm

Razglednica / Postcard

Razglednica je odziv na odprti razpis Poštna umetnost 2020 (Mail art 2020) s strani Umetnostne galerije UGM Maribor, na temo razburljivega leta 2020.
Delo je igra besed in besednih zvez, ki so zaznamovale leto 2020 kot leto življenja v epidemiji.
Besede SEM, DOMA, SAMA, PRIDI, PRIDEM, PRIDITE povezujejo linije, ki narekujejo vrstni red branja in formiranja besedne zveze ali stavka, pomen pa ne glede na vrstni red ostaja isti. Z branjem stolpcev iz leve proti desni narekuje postopen prehod iz stanja druženja v stanje osamitve.

The postcard is a response to the open call by the Art Gallery Maribor – Mail art 2020, on the theme of the exciting year 2020.
The work is a play of words and phrases that marked the year 2020 as the year of living in a state of epidemic. The words I AM, AT HOME, ALONE, COME, I’M COMING, are connected with the red lines that dictate the order of reading and forming a phrase or sentence, but the meaning remains the same regardless of the chosen order. Reading the columns from left to right dictates a gradual transition from a state of socializing to a state of an isolation.

Sem doma / I am at home, 2020, postcard, digital print on paper, marker, 18,5cm x 13,5cm


screen print, cut-outs