2023, clothing hangers, screen print on fabric

Podobe rasteriziranih zmečkanin z zapisi izpostavljajo lastno kot tudi družbeno vpetost in nagnjenost v sistem neodgovorne in kompulzivne potrošnje. Zapisi so sestavljeni iz kratkih izjav, ki s tipografijo lastne ročne pisave izpostavljajo moment razmisleka in samo-refleksije, hkrati pa nekateri zapisi spominjajo na uporabljene slogane podjetij, ki pogosto vključujejo besede kot so: want, need, must have, solution, new itd.
Delo Preizprašuje vpliv medijev, tekstilne industrije in mehanizme oglaševanja, ter spodbuja premislek o našem razumevanju in odnosu do materialnih dobrin. V ospredje postavlja vprašanja o tem kako oglaševanje in potrošništvo oblikuje naše identitete in želje, ki se odmikajo vlogi etično odgovornega kupca kar pod vprašaj prav tako postavlja individualno avtonomijo posameznika.
The images of rasterized crumpled fabrics with accompanying texts tackle my own own as well as societal involvement and tendency and inclination towards a system of irresponsible and compulsive consumption. The texts are composed of short statements, which, with typography of my own handwriting, emphasize moments of contemplation and self-reflection, whilst, simultaneously, some of them are reminiscent of the used marketing slogans, which frequently include such words as: want, need, must have, solution, new etc.
The artwork examines the influence of media, the textile industry, and advertising mechanisms, while encouraging reflection on our understanding and relationship to material goods. It forefronts questions about how advertising and consumerism shape our identities and desires, straying from the role of an ethically responsible consumer, which also challenges individual autonomy.
Galerija Alkatraz, 9. festival Reciklart, Ljubljana, 9.-25.8.2023

Foto: Nina Pernat