2023, installation, variable dimensions, 3 cutout papers, 3 lamps with color light bulbs, two chairs

Galerija DobraVaga, Ljubljana, 4.4.-11.5.2023

Foto: Lana Špiler
Delo nagovarja problematiko instant užitka in hipne zadovoljitve kot posledico kompulzivnega potrošništva in individualizma. Izvor dela je stavek, ki je pred leti vzniknil iz notranjega impulza in je rezultiral v besedno igro o seksu, plastiki in ogroženih živalskih vrstah.
Prostorska postavitev je dialog med osvetljenimi papirji z izrezljanimi besedili in njihovimi vrženimi sencami. Izrezi preko ponovitve vrženih senc tvorijo nove pomene in tako razkrivajo drugost, tvorijo obrat in tenzijo. Skozi vnašanje subtilnih sprememb v strukturo besedil in njihovih umeščanj se vzpostavlja intimna atmosfera, ki tematizira soočanje s posledicami hiperproizvodnje, kjer zastavljeno “vprašanje” spominja na zavedno odmikanje, iskanje lagodja in pomiritve le-ta pa se spaja z ravnodušnostjo “odgovora” materialistične logike.
Sprašujem se ali ni največja posledica ali derivat materialističnega sistema potrošnje prej kot in čeprav tudi materialni odpadek, v resnici sedaj že dobro vzpostavljen mehanizem obvladovanja, kjer občutek odgovornosti, nemoči in pomanjkanja skupnosti v propadajočem svetu razrešujemo skozi vzpostavljanje individualnih instant razrešitev. Torej prehajanja v paralelne svetove in stanja zamaknjenosti?
The work addresses the issue of instant gratification and immediate satisfaction as a consequence of compulsive consumerism and individualism. Its origin lies in a sentence that emerged years ago from an internal impulse and resulted in a wordplay about sex, plastic, and endangered animal species.
The spatial installation is a dialogue between illuminated papers with carved texts and their cast shadows. Through the repetition of cast shadows new meanings are formed and thus reveal otherness, create a reversal, and tension. By introducing subtle changes in the structure of the texts and their placements, an intimate atmosphere is established that addresses the consequences of hyperproduction. The posed “question” reminds one of conscious detachment, the search for comfort, and appeasement, which merges with the indifference of the “answer” of materialistic logic.
I wonder if the greatest consequence or derivative of the materialistic system of consumption, perhaps even more so than material waste, is actually a well-established coping mechanism where the sense of responsibility, powerlessness, and lack of community in a deteriorating world is resolved through the establishment of individual instant resolutions. Does this involve transitioning into parallel worlds and states of detachment?